If you are ever feeling down in the dumps...go to a park on a sunny Saturday morning. Happy families, children playing, laughing, fun... We had a really nice morning.
Yesterday Katie had a miscarriage. We are sad to have lost this baby but are trying to stay positive. Thank you all for your support through this difficult time.
We scheduled Katie's first OBGYN visit today. It's Friday, February 20th. They said they will do an ultrasound! We are really excited because we only got one untrasound with Aidan & that was at 20 weeks. Fun!
We have thought about having a blog for a long time & we finally decided to do it. Why, you may ask. Well, today we got some wonderful news. Katie is pregnant! Only 4 weeks along right now but super excited for the journey ahead. Aidan is very excited also & keeps talking about "hugging the baby" and "playing trains with the baby." The estimated due date is October 4th. This will be confirmed at the first doctor visit in a few weeks. YEA!